Friday, June 27, 2008

Another Thing To Rant About

I'm sure as you start to relax during the summer you also start to realize all the of nooks and crannies that don't seem to be on your good side. Maybe, since you have time now, you feel angered by the sound of cars up and down your street, or maybe the fact that not enough cars are up and down your street because you finally had the courage to look at the gas pricing, or maybe, inevitably, the sight of your own self after failing to stick to your "Tone Your Body For Summer" plan. Whatever, it's your time now to "take the time" to pick out the flaws that you didn't have the time to see during the rest of the year. Just in case you look next door and brew up hate for your neighbor, why not share it with the rest of us? started as a site for normal people to take out their anger on their neighbors whether it be, loud neighbors, showboat neighbors, or the trendy "neighbor espionage". According to its users, they tell us that people nowadays no longer walk up to the neighbor, knock on the door, and actually discuss their issues [what's the point anyways?] so why not gossip about them online? I'm sure there is a scientific reasoning to the fact that we get off on feeling each other's neighborly pain. I'm also sure that if you've got a nasty story to tell, the realty paparazzi will be more that happy to hear you out.

Why not eh? Why not solve problems nowadays like teenage girls and talk behind peoples' backs, since, hey, you deserve it. So what it's summer? You still deserve that lipservice. My neighbor is a fatass who always spies on our barbeque grill, my neighbor is a freaky old lady with too many cats that end up in our yard, my neighbor has a weed garden that he never trims and never smokes, my neighbor is a dumbass who always drop the u's and has time for useless crap like this.

That's right Canada, your neighbor doesn't care about u.

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